Thoughts on Father’s Day

Today is Father’s Day. I have a great dad I love dearly and an AMAZING husband who is the best father I could possible ask for for my children.

But today – even earlier today – fathers who “didn’t have to be” were on my mind. Those men who step in and father kids whose biological fathers aren’t around – for whatever reason. Maybe next year I’ll do a blog post specifically centered around some of them.

Then I came across something.

A couple months ago, I posted about the manager at my favorite Panera who was killed in a tragic car accident [I also posted about it on Pentalk, though the widow story is on the backburner at the moment].

This story ran earlier this month on one of the local news stations about the family Travis left behind.

I happened across this today, but it seemed appropriate. It’s Father’s Day. Travis wasn’t the biological father of his two kids, but a daddy to them nonetheless. It’s obvious from the pictures I’ve seen of them together how much he loved them. It takes a very special man to be a real daddy to kids that aren’t biologically his.

I’m quite sure Brittany and the kids miss him today as they do every day. It’s one of those milestone days that’s always hard.

I’m getting ready to work on my “marketing” stuff for Travis’ story – the as-yet-untitled Speedbo project with Travis-with-the-faux-hawk as the hero. The story was near and dear to my heart before Travis’ passing and even more so now. I’d love to find a publishing home for everything I’ve written, but none more than this.

So Happy Father’s Day to the Dads out there. And to Travis and all the other grandfathers, step-dads, uncles, cousins, friends, and all the others who stand in the gap for those whose dads aren’t around for whatever reason – thank you and Happy Father’s Day to you, too.

About Carol Moncado

An aspiring author trying to traverse successfully through the wonderful world of publishing.
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1 Response to Thoughts on Father’s Day

  1. Jan says:

    Great post, Carol. Lee is one of those Dads who didn’t have to be. He became Stacy’s father when she was 6 years old and she’s been a Daddy’s girl ever since.

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