Flash Fiction Friday, Vol. 8

Current Facebook Status: has been so blessed! And she has a date tonight!
Currently Playing in the Background: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse [are you shocked?!]
Current NaNoWriMo update: continued FFF and ended up with 1211 words for the day so far and 6274 total.  By the end of today, I need 8335 to be on track and I am currently 2061 short.

Yep.  I have a date tonight!  My birthday is Monday and Matt is taking me out tonight.  My sister is keeping all three girls all night.  My mother-in-law is keeping the boy for several hours so we can go out.  I can’t wait.  Until then, I am ignoring the laundry that needs folded and put up.  Actually, I’m getting ready to do it once the boy goes to bed.  Then the LR will be clean so we can watch a movie or something later – guilt free!

Today’s FFF is part of my NaNo [yes, I picked a prompt that helped with that – and it worked so well!] so if you read on, expect some spoilers about my as yet unfinished, may never be done much less published lastest WIP. 😉  Here is Jan’s contribution.

The FFF rules

He paced the hospital hallway praying for a miracle even though he didn’t believe in them.

Nicky was in there.  He was being looked at by doctors and technically Nick didn’t have any medical standing with the nurses or doctors.  He swore under his breath and glared at the nurse who had told him he’d have to wait until the child’s mother updated him.  He wasn’t on any of the paperwork.


He was going to be a part of his son’s life if he had to sue Debbie to get it done.

He didn’t really think it was going to get that far.  She seemed to want him to be a part of Nicky’s life now that he knew about his son.  He’d never believed in real miracles, but if that’s what it took to save his son…

But really, if there was a God, wouldn’t he have made sure Nick knew about his son from the beginning?  He should have.

Instead, his son was…  He didn’t even know for sure how old his own son was.  He could do the math and get a pretty good idea, but he was too worried about whether Nick was going to be okay.  And too tired.  He’d been asleep less than two hours when Debbie had called.  He’d been anticipating a romantic rendezvous with Lisa but when she’d called to say her plane was delayed again, he’d had a beer while watching the end of the baseball game – rain delay followed by extra innings – and finally collapsed about one in the morning.  He’d taken the day off to spend it with Lisa.  Instead, he had no idea if she’d even arrived.  If she’d made it to his apartment, he wasn’t there.

His phone had been turned off.  In case the mob had a way to track it.  They – whoever they was – didn’t think the mobsters did, but it was better to be safe.  He’d have Rick find out and let Lisa know that he was okay and would talk to her soon.


What about you?  Do you have a story for us using the first sentence as your prompt?  Set the timer for five minutes and… go!  Feel free to share in the comments!

Update, 3:22pm: 2280 for the day, 7344 total, 991 words off the pace
And now time to get ready for my date!  Or more accurately, get the girls ready to spend the night at their aunt’s house ;).

About Carol Moncado

An aspiring author trying to traverse successfully through the wonderful world of publishing.
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